Wellhead Protection Program
The Wellhead Protection Program or "WHPP" is a program to sustain drinking water quality in ground waters that supply wells and wellfields. The Program is mandated by the 1986 amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Act. (Title II. Section 205. Subsection 1428.) and Indiana Wellhead Protection Rule. (327 IAC 8.4-1) The Wellhead Protection Program consists of two phases. Phase I involves the delineation of a Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA), identifying potential sources of contamination, and creating management and contingency plans for the WHPA. Phase II involves the implementation of the plan created in Phase I, and each community are required to report to IDEM how they have protected ground water resources. The Five Year Update(s) consists of documenting changes and results from implementation of Phase II. Five Year Updates occur as long as the drinking water system is operating.
WAYS YOU CAN HELP PREVENT GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION • Dispose of harmful chemicals properly. Do not dump them on the ground or put them down the drain.
More Information
If you would like to view the Greenfield Water Utility's Wellhead Protection Plan, Please contact the Water Utility at 477-4350. For more information on Wellhead Protection Plans or more ways to prevent groundwater contamination. Please visit the EPA website or IDEM website. |
Contact Water Utility

Greenfield, IN 46140

Assistant Water Utility Manager

451 Meek St.

Distribution Supervisor

451 Meek Street

WPP Team Members
The WPP Team is comprised of five people from both the community and City officials.