Mayor Guy Titus

Mayor Guy Titus Portrait 


Mayor Guy Titus was born in Marion, Indiana, to Greg and Lois Titus. Moving to Greenfield in 1969, Guy is a graduate of Greenfield-Central High School. Following graduation, he went to work for Greenfield Power and Light where he was a Lineman, and Operations Manager for over 44 years.

As the Power and Light Operations Manager, Guy was responsible for directing all activities regarding business development, customer service and purchasing. Guy managed the electric line maintenance and tree clearance program for the Utility, and under his leadership reliability increased and power outages were reduced leading to several Reliable Power Public Awards from the American Public Power Association.

Today, Greenfield Power and Light operates and maintains three distribution substations, providing reliable electrical service to residential and commercial customers throughout the city with all benefits staying within the community.

Mayor Titus is currently on the Board of Directors for Hancock Health Foundation. He has served four terms on Center Township Board, served on the Board of Directors for the Indiana Municipal Electric Association, and several Indiana Municipal Power Association committees.

Guy is married to Kathy (Schaekel) Titus. They have two daughters, Erika and Taylor. Over the years, Guy has enjoyed coaching youth basketball, soccer, and softball. He is a member of St. Michael Catholic Church. He is an Indy 500 Racing enthusiast, enjoys playing golf in his free time, and traveling with his family.

Guy was elected Mayor in 2023 and took office in January of 2024. Growing up in Greenfield, and spending his entire career working for the City, Guy’s focus is on projects and policies that will continue to enhance Greenfield as a quality community in which to live, work, and raise a family.

Contact Mayor's Office

Operational Assistant
Address: City Hall
10 S State St
Room 111
Telephone: 317-477-4300
Fax: 317-477-4301

City Hall Calendar

Board of Works
Tue Mar 25th 2025, 10:00am -
City Council Meeting
Wed Mar 26th 2025, 7:00pm -
Traffic Safety Committee
Wed Apr 2nd 2025, 1:30pm -
Fire Merit Commission
Tue Apr 8th 2025, 9:00am - 10:00am
Board of Works
Tue Apr 8th 2025, 10:00am -
City Council Meeting
Wed Apr 9th 2025, 7:00pm -

City Phone Directory

Mayor's Office - 317-477-4300
Clerk Treasurer - 317-477-4310
Utility Billing - 317-477-4330
Planning (Permits) - 317-477-4320
Street Department - 317-477-4380
Power and Light - 317-477-4370
Wastewater Department - 317-477-4360
Park Cemetery - 317-477-4387
Pothole Hotline - 317-325-1680
Parks and Recreation - 317-477-4340
Water Department - 317-477-4350
Animal Management - 317-477-4367